Thursday, August 23, 2012

When Do You Write For Children?

Are you a morning writer? Afternoon or night owl? Can you write only on weekends? What is your writing schedule like? Send me a comment. I'd love to know!

I personally love writing in the mornings when the house is dark and the only sound I hear is the humming of the air conditioner. But that peaceful zone doesn't last for long with a busy family so I have to find other hours in the day to write, too. I'm lucky to have the opportunity to write throughout the day around my family's schedule. But I'll admit evenings are the hardest for me, what about you?

Switching topics. I'm also working on my presentation "Blogging Basics" and uncovering a host of interesting facts surrounding blogging and social media. Here's one for you:

True or False?

Bloggers are morning people?

What if I told you nearly eighty percent of bloggers read in the morning and that it peaks around ten o'clock. So if you're a morning writer does that mean you should be writing your blog posts in the morning and posting them around that time frame? Yes and No.

Post your blog posts in the morning, yes. But if you're a morning person like I am, use your mornings to work on your manuscripts. When your mind is the freshest and for me the most creative. If ideas for blog posts come to you while you're working on your projects. Jot them down on a scrap of paper and get back into that manuscript. Come back to those blog ideas later and expand and write.

Oooops. Look at the time. Time to get back to my writing! But come back and visit me. I'm going to be posting about what I'll be covering in my presentation on October 6th at the Digital Symposium II: The Nuts and Bolts of Success hosted by our SCBWI Austin chapter. A sneak peek shall we say.

In closing, I'm leaving you with an interesting quote to ponder by author Erik Qualman and founder of Socialnomics, "We don't have a choice on whether we do social media, the question is how well we do it."

Food for thought.

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